20 Luxurious arrangement of gorgeous pink and white roses will add style and class to your loved ones day
design may vary as per local florist possibility. Order Now
Celebration Time:Send this wonderful Gift Hamper to your loved ones in India on any occsion. Hamper Contains : 12 mixed flower bunch + Assorted Chocolates and 4 mixed Can ( Pepsi , Coke etc) Order Now
Pink roses always work wonders, no matter what the event or occasion is. So if you want to take the good old route to please your loved ones, pink roses will never fail you! This bouquet with freshly blossomed 500 pink roses wrapped snugly in a tissue paper
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Your Gift Contains:
20 Red Rose
20 Yellow Roses
seasonal leaves
Flower Arrangement
Please Note: Alphabet in picture is alterable. Please send us alphabet of your choice with order number at 143gifts@gmail.com Price and design can vary as per the availability. Order Now
This Gift Hamper consists of a basket of 12 Red Roses, 1/2 Kg Mixed Dry Fruits and a 1/2 Kg Chocolate (or) 1/2kg black forest square shape Cake, Order Now